The past participle of "split": "split" or "splitted"?

I have just written a question in the PPCG site, and now that I read it again I have just noticed that I have just written "split" and "splitted" randomly as the past participle of "to split":

Can the number be split into powers of 2?
[The number] can be splitted into...
[The string] can be somehow split into numbers...

Since nobody seems to edit the question to fix any possible spelling mistakes, now I wonder: Are both forms valid? Or is one of them preferred or even invalid?

A simple Google search of "be split" and "be splitted" seems to return many more result for the "split" form (nearly a hundred times more). Maybe the "splitted" form is only used in specific contexts or countries?

Splitted appears to be a nonstandard/obsolete usage of the past tense of split:

Collins Dictionary notes that:

(Language note) The form split is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle of the verb.

and Merrian-Webster notes that splitted is:

archaic past tense of SPLIT

Google Books shows very few usage instances of splitted compared to split.