ng serve not working in Docker container

Solution 1:

In your Dockerfile you are missing the Expose line such as:


Try placing it before your last RUN command in the docker file.

This line exposes the port in the container itself (4200 in this case) so the mapping from compose works (80:4200).

Compose just does this: forward 80 from the host to 4200 in the container. But it doesn't know or care if the 4200 is actually being listened to. The Expose in the dockerfile makes sure when the image is built, to expose this port for the future running containers, so your ng serve can listen to it.


So to get what you want with docker-compose run, use publish to publish the ports. As run doesn't use the mappings from your docker-compose.yml, it ignores them. So use it like this:

docker-compose run --publish 80:4200 node bash

Then create the angular app and start it up as you were doing.

Test Example For Future Reference

cd tmp (or any writable folder)

ng new myProject

cd myProject

ng serve --host (--host to listen to all the interfaces from the container)

Then in your browser, go to localhost and you should see the angular welcome page now as the port 4200 is published and bound to the host port 80 through the publish command as I showed above.

Everytime you have port forwarding issues, if you open a new terminal keeping the other terminal where you executed the original run command and run docker ps you will see this in the Ports column:>4200/tcp which means that your host on port 80 is forwarding to your container in port 4200 successfully.

If you see something like 4200/tcp and not the -> part, that means there is no mappings or ports published.

Solution 2:

try to run ng serve with host specified (which is set to 'localhost' by default):

ng serve -H

UPDATE Pay attention, currently (@angular/cli@7) the option is --host:

ng serve --host

Solution 3:

Using ng serve --host has always worked for me.

The reason this is crucial is that without it, the angular process is only listening on the localhost interface inside the container - so even with the docker port mapping, connections from outside the container aren't being received.

** Angular Live Development Server is listening on localhost:3000

But if you add the parameter --host then the angular process will listen on all interfaces, and the docker port mapping will allow connections from outside the container to reach it.

** Angular Live Development Server is listening on

So, in summary:

  1. you don't need the EXPOSE 4200 line in the Dockerfile
  2. you do need the port mapping in the docker-compose.yml file
  3. you do need the CMD line in the Dockerfile, and it should include the host parameter e.g. CMD ["ng","serve","--host", ""]
  4. you don't need to use docker run
  5. you can use docker-compose up, which will pick up the port mappings from the docker-compose.yml file.