pass array to method Java

How can I pass an entire array to a method?

private void PassArray() {
    String[] arrayw = new String[4];
    //populate array

private void PrintA(String[] a) {
    //do whatever with array here

How do I do this correctly?

You do this:

private void PassArray() {
    String[] arrayw = new String[4]; //populate array

private void PrintA(String[] a) {
    //do whatever with array here

Just pass it as any other variable.
In Java, arrays are passed by reference.

Simply remove the brackets from your original code.


private void PassArray(){
    String[] arrayw = new String[4];
    //populate array
private void PrintA(String[] a){
    //do whatever with array here

That is all.

An array variable is simply a pointer, so you just pass it like so:



A little more elaboration. If what you want to do is create a COPY of an array, you'll have to pass the array into the method and then manually create a copy there (not sure if Java has something like Array.CopyOf()). Otherwise, you'll be passing around a REFERENCE of the array, so if you change any values of the elements in it, it will be changed for other methods as well.

Important Points

  • you have to use java.util package
  • array can be passed by reference

In the method calling statement

  • Don't use any object to pass an array
  • only the array's name is used, don't use datatype or array brackets []

Sample Program

import java.util.*;

class atg {
  void a() {
    int b[]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7};

  void c(int b[]) {
    int e=b.length;
    for(int f=0;f<e;f++) {
      System.out.print(b[f]+" ");//Single Space

  public static void main(String args[]) {
    atg ob=new atg();

Output Sample Program

1 2 3 4 5 6 7