How to emulate numpad on a PC laptop?

Solution 1:

Fn+F8 and similar in a search for some numlock-like combination (without any luck). … Trying to come to some ergonomic remapping I thought about remapping Fn+key to Numpadkey.

No, AHK (and all software for that matter) will usually be unable to intercept or affect the Fn key unless your laptop happens to implement it in software as opposed to the keyboard controller like most laptops (I have only ever heard of a few IBM ThinkPads doing that). I gave a technical explanation of how it works and why you can’t do what you want.

Instead, you could try using a different combination of Alt, Shift, Win instead of Fn (also try the modifier keys on the other side of the keyboard than you are used to since that may actually end up being more ergonomic). In fact, you could try training yourself to use two hands (for example, holding Ctrl with the left and Alt with the right.)

You could even try making your numpad hotkeys using a custom combination (e.g., Q+U = Numpad-7, Q+J = Numpad-4, etc.), however I wouldn’t recommend it because it complicates things (though it can be done and worked out).