Any error in the following statement?

Any error in the following statement?

Scenario :

Earlier, I have informed the other person that the event is not yet approved but later on I realized that I am wrong and I need to convey it. So I used the following statement. But I had a question about whether "is" or "was" should be used and whether "already" should be placed before "approved "

I am sorry it is approved already!

I don't think any of the other answers quite conveys the point that what you're sorry for is that you gave incorrect information.

I'm sorry, I was wrong: it has actually been approved already.

or slightly less explicitly

I'm sorry, it has actually been approved already.

I think both the "already" and the "actually" are needed to make it clear that you're not sorry about the approval.

I believe the correct grammar would be "already approved".

However, the punctuation depends on what you're sorry for. The current punctuation implies you're sorry the "it" was approved this early, as if you've missed the opportunity before it was approved.

If the sentence was directed towards someone opposing the approval, and the speaker was implying "There's nothing that can be done, it's already approved", the correct punctuation would be "I'm sorry, it is already approved".

I think you need "I'm sorry, but it has already been approved."

"I'm sorry, but it has been approved already." is also valid, but you still need the phrase "has been approved" instead of "is approved".