Change css font-family for separate options in select tag

Solution 1:

You should wrap each option tag in an optgroup tag and then style that as:


  <optgroup style="font-family:arial">

  <optgroup style="font-family:verdana">

  <optgroup style="font-family:other">


Solution 2:

You cannot set the font of the <option> tag but you could create a list with specific styles (as you would expect)

Here's everything I've been trying:

$("select.js option:eq(0), ul li:eq(0)").css("fontFamily", "tangerine");
$("select.js option:eq(1), ul li:eq(1)").css("fontFamily", "tahoma");
$("select.js option:eq(2), ul li:eq(2)").css("fontFamily", "times new roman");
h1 {
  font-size: 1.2em;
  margin-top: 10px;
  color: #777;
.tangerine {
  font-family: tangerine;
.tahoma {
  font-family: tahoma;
.timesnewroman {
  font-family: times new roman;
<script src=""></script>
<h1>Set with jQuery</h2>
<select id="js">
    <option>Times New Roman</option>
<h1>Set with CSS</h2>
<select id="css">
    <option class="tangerine">Tangerine</option>
    <option class="tahoma">Tahoma</option>
    <option class="timesnewroman">Times New Roman</option>
    <li>Times New Roman</li>

Solution 3:

Maybe you can use javascript? Can you try this ?

myObj = document.getElementById("tahoma"); = "Tahoma"; = "red";

// Change anything else that you like!

<option id="tahoma .....>

Solution 4:

You can simply use like this

<select id='lstFonts' class='form-control'>
    <option style="font-family:Arial" value="Arial">Arial</option>
    <option style="font-family:Verdana" value="Verdana">Arial</option>