How to find which package certain command belongs to on CentOS?
For example I can easily find locate command belongs to mlocate.i386 package.
yum search locate
mlocate.i386 : An utility for finding files by name
[mirror@home /]$ rpm -qa | grep locate
yum search updatedb
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, protectbase
0 packages excluded due to repository protections
=========================================== Matched: updatedb ===========================================
mlocate.i386 : An utility for finding files by name
But it's not so easy to find which package free command belongs to:
yum search free // this command just returns too much informationy
rpm -qa | grep free
freetype-2.2.1-31.el5_8.1 // obviously not the package by which free command is installed
So is there any convinent way to know which package a specific command belongs to on Linux? For example CentOS or some other distributions
Query the rpmdb.
rpm -qf $(which free)
Ubuntu / Debian example to check the package of the free
dpkg -S $(which free)
For CentOS, how about yum provides?
which free
to find out where it is
For me it's at
So then you can run
yum provides /usr/bin/free
and it will tell you which package has it
For all red-hat based distributions you can use yum package management utility
yum provides `which free`
provides argument specifies which package provides certain feature or file.