Why does it take so long for SQL Management Studio to connect?

Considering that Microsoft SQL Server is not, technically, a slow database management system, I keep wondering why it often/usually takes such a long time for SQL Management Studio to connect.

This happens even when nobody else is accessing the database server and when Management Studio runs on the same machine as SQL Server.

Plus SQL Management Studio often takes a very long time to do something, even just displaying a login's permissions can take several minutes on database servers otherwise unused.

Is there some obvious explanation?

Solution 1:

This sounds stupid but I had a problem of a very slow SQL Server Management Studio and this trick solved it:

  • Open Internet Explorer
  • Go to Tools -> Internet option
  • Open the "Advanced" tab
  • Uncheck "Check for server certificate revocation (requires restart)"

This trick is only effective if the computer where your SQL Server Management Studio is installed is NOT connected to Internet. Only doing that solved my problem. Maybe it will solve yours.

Solution 2:

This worked for me: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio is too Slow

In a corporate environment it is not uncommon for Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) for SQL Server 2005 to take over 45 seconds to start as well as lags and delays when opening various windows and dialog boxes from within the application. If you are experiencing this issue, then a quick fix is to add an entry in your HOSTS. file that points crl.microsoft.com to

  • Exit SSMS
  • Press the keys [Win] + [R]
  • Enter the following..

    notepad %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts.
  • Append the following..    crl.microsoft.com
  • Save the file.

  • Start SSMS (ah! much better)