Android: Implementing progressbar and "loading..." for Endless List like Android Market

Taking inspiration from Android Market, i have implemented a Endless List which loads more data from the server when we reach the end of the List.

Now, i need to implement the progressbar & "Loading.." text as shownalt text

Sample code to take inspiration from would be great.

Solution 1:

Here is a solution that also makes it easy to show a loading view in the end of the ListView while it's loading.

You can see the classes here: - Helper to make it possible to use the features without extending from SimpleListViewWithLoadingIndicator. - Listener that starts loading data when the user is about to reach the bottom of the ListView. - The EndlessListView. You can use this class directly or extend from it.

Solution 2:

Add an onScrollListener to the ListView. When the user scrolls, check if the ListView is nearing its end. If yes, then fetch more data. As an example :

public abstract class LazyLoader implements AbsListView.OnScrollListener {

    private static final int DEFAULT_THRESHOLD = 10 ;

    private boolean loading = true  ;
    private int previousTotal = 0 ;
    private int threshold = DEFAULT_THRESHOLD ;

    public LazyLoader() {}

    public LazyLoader(int threshold) {
        this.threshold = threshold;

    public void onScrollStateChanged(AbsListView view, int scrollState) {

    public void onScroll(AbsListView view, int firstVisibleItem,
                         int visibleItemCount, int totalItemCount) {
        if(loading) {
            if(totalItemCount > previousTotal) {
                // the loading has finished
                loading = false ;
                previousTotal = totalItemCount ;

        // check if the List needs more data
        if(!loading && ((firstVisibleItem + visibleItemCount ) >= (totalItemCount - threshold))) {
            loading = true ;

            // List needs more data. Go fetch !!
            loadMore(view, firstVisibleItem,
                    visibleItemCount, totalItemCount);

    // Called when the user is nearing the end of the ListView
    // and the ListView is ready to add more items.
    public abstract void loadMore(AbsListView view, int firstVisibleItem,
                                  int visibleItemCount, int totalItemCount);

Activity :

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

            ListView listView = (ListView) findViewById(;

            listView.setOnScrollListener(new LazyLoader() {
                public void loadMore(AbsListView view, int firstVisibleItem, int visibleItemCount, int totalItemCount) {
                    // Fetch your data here !!!

You can find the complete implementation at this link

Solution 3:

The other answers here refer to outdated, unmaintained solutions. This article, however, seems to be kept up-to-date:

There's too much there to put it all in a SO answer, but here's some important bits as of the time I'm writing this answer:

Implementing endless pagination for RecyclerView requires the following steps:

  1. Copy over the into your application.
  2. Call addOnScrollListener(...) on a RecyclerView to enable endless pagination. Pass in an instance of EndlessRecyclerViewScrollListener and implement the onLoadMore which fires whenever a new page needs to be loaded to fill up the list.
  3. Inside the aforementioned onLoadMore method, load additional items into the adapter either by sending out a network request or by loading from another source.

To start handling the scroll events for steps 2 and 3, we need to use the addOnScrollListener() method in our Activity or Fragment and pass in the instance of the EndlessRecyclerViewScrollListener with the layout manager as shown below:

public class MainActivity extends Activity {
    // Store a member variable for the listener
    private EndlessRecyclerViewScrollListener scrollListener;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
       // Configure the RecyclerView
       RecyclerView rvItems = (RecyclerView) findViewById(;
       LinearLayoutManager linearLayoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(this);
       // Retain an instance so that you can call `resetState()` for fresh searches
       scrollListener = new EndlessRecyclerViewScrollListener(linearLayoutManager) {
           public void onLoadMore(int page, int totalItemsCount, RecyclerView view) {
               // Triggered only when new data needs to be appended to the list
               // Add whatever code is needed to append new items to the bottom of the list
      // Adds the scroll listener to RecyclerView

  // Append the next page of data into the adapter
  // This method probably sends out a network request and appends new data items to your adapter. 
  public void loadNextDataFromApi(int offset) {
      // Send an API request to retrieve appropriate paginated data 
      //  --> Send the request including an offset value (i.e `page`) as a query parameter.
      //  --> Deserialize and construct new model objects from the API response
      //  --> Append the new data objects to the existing set of items inside the array of items
      //  --> Notify the adapter of the new items made with `notifyItemRangeInserted()`