I am trying to remember an idiom that is used when someone has a premonition about something, often coincidentally i.e. I am thinking about someone and then they call me. I know there is the expression: speak of the devil, but I think there is another less-commonly used idiom which can be more broadly applied. As I remember it is also not used directly like speak of the devil but more to say someone has summoned someone/something else.

EDIT: Apparently speak of the devil is not used in a negative sense. Thanks user240918 for the correction.

Solution 1:

I found another often used phrase that can be considered an idiom. You could use the idiom "sixth sense". It is often used to describe a mysterious, coincidental ability that goes beyond the usual five senses. Having premonitions is frequently the case with this ability. Here is an example.

She said "maybe you'll get a call"... and Wow! Suddenly the phone rang... Can you believe it? She sure does have a sixth sense at times.
