How can I overwrite/print over the current line in Windows command line?

On Unix, I can either use \r (carriage return) or \b (backspace) to overwrite the current line (print over text already visible) in the shell.

Can I achieve the same effect in a Windows command line from a Python script?

I tried the curses module but it doesn't seem to be available on Windows.


import sys
import time

def restart_line():

sys.stdout.write('some data')
time.sleep(2) # wait 2 seconds...
sys.stdout.write('other different data')

I know this is old, but i wanted to tell my version (it works on my PC in the cmd, but not in the idle) to override a line in Python 3:

>>> from time import sleep
>>> for i in range(400):
>>>     print("\r" + str(i), end="")
>>>     sleep(0.5)

EDIT: It works on Windows and on Ubuntu