Immutability of structs [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Why are mutable structs evil?

I read it in lots of places including here that it's better to make structs as immutable.

What's the reason behind this? I see lots of Microsoft-created structs that are mutable, like the ones in xna. Probably there are many more in the BCL.

What are the pros and cons of not following this guideline?

Solution 1:

Structs should represent values. Values do not change. The number 12 is eternal.

However, consider:

Foo foo = new Foo(); // a mutable struct
foo.Bar = 27;
Foo foo2 = foo;
foo2.Bar = 55;

Now foo.Bar and foo2.Bar is different, which is often unexpected. Especially in the scenarios like properties (fortunately the compiler detect this). But also collections etc; how do you ever mutate them sensibly?

Data loss is far too easy with mutable structs.

Solution 2:

The big con is that things don't behave how you expect them to - particularly if the mutability comes from a mixture of the direct value and a reference type within it.

To be honest, I can't remember off the top of my head all the weird problems I've seen people come up with in newsgroups when they've used mutable structs - but those reasons certainly exist. Mutable structs cause problems. Stay away.

EDIT: I've just found an email I wrote a while ago on this topic. It elaborates just a little bit:

  • It's philosophically wrong: a struct should represent some sort of fundamental value. Those are basically immutable. You don't get to change the number 5. You can change a variable's value from 5 to 6, but you don't logically make a change to the value itself.

  • It's practically a problem: it creates lots of weird situations. It's particularly bad if it's mutable via an interface. Then you can start changing boxed values. Ick. I've seen a lot of newsgroup posts which are due to people trying to use mutable structs and running into issues. I saw a very strange LINQ example which was failing because List<T>.Enumerator is a struct, for example.