Read line by line in Bash script

The best way to do this is to redirect the file into the loop:

# Basic idea. Keep reading for improvements.

while read CMD; do
    echo "$CMD"
done < "$FILE"

A redirection with < "$FILE" has a few advantages over cat "$FILE" | while .... It avoids a useless use of cat, saving an unnecessary child process. It also avoids a common pitfall where the loop runs in a subshell. In Bash, commands in a | pipeline run in subshells, which means variable assignments are lost after the loop ends. Redirection with < doesn't have that problem, so you could use $CMD after the loop or modify other variables inside the loop. It also, again, avoids unnecessary child processes.

There are some additional improvements that could be made:

  • Add IFS= so that read won't trim leading and trailing whitespace from each line.
  • Add -r to read to prevent backslashes from being interpreted as escape sequences.
  • Lower-case CMD and FILE. The Bash convention is that only environmental and internal shell variables are uppercase.
  • Use printf in place of echo which is safer if $cmd is a string like -n, which echo would interpret as a flag.

while IFS= read -r cmd; do
    printf '%s\n' "$cmd"
done < "$file"

What you have is piping the text "cat test" into the loop.

You just want:

cat test | \
while read CMD; do
    echo $CMD

xargs is the most flexible solution for splitting output into command arguments.

It is also very human readable and easy to use due to its simple parameterisation.

Format is xargs -n $NUMLINES mycommand.

For example, to echo each individual line in a file /tmp/tmp.txt you'd do:

cat /tmp/tmp.txt | xargs -n 1 echo

Or to diff each successive pair of files listed as lines in a file of the above name you'd do:

cat /tmp/tmp.txt | xargs -n 2 diff

The -n 2 instructs xargs to consume and pass as separate arguments two lines of what you've piped into it at a time.

You can tailor xargs to split on delimiters besides carriage return/newline.

Use man xargs and google to find out more about the power of this versatile utility.