Can't login to my account, I know the password

Solution 1:

You can login to the account through the tty, but when you try to do a graphical login, you get logged out and returned to the login prompt. You can do a successful graphical login with other accounts. This suggests a problem with a config file in your home directory, possibly your session file.

Try logging in to the account through the terminal and do:

 mv ~/.config/xfce4{,.bak}

This will move your XFCE config to a temporary location. Now try logging in again.

If that does not fix the issue, there is another option that will fix any login problem caused by a misbehaving home directory. Login again at the terminal and do:

mkdir ~/bak
mv ~/.* ~/* ~/bak

Try logging in again. It should now work (we know this should work, because you can already successfully login as another user - all we are doing here is resetting your home directory to a fresh user state).

Now take your files and config in the ~/bak directory and mv anything that you want in your home directory back there. Try to login. It's a process of trial and error - eventually you will find the script or config file that broke the login. Once you have identified the file causing the problem, you can remove that file, and restore all of your other files from ~/bak.