Nvidia 304 driver installation

I have installed Lubuntu 18.04 on an old Inspiron 9300 laptop. It runs okay with nouveau driver, but the application I need to work with requires the proprietary Nvidia driver.

I have tried to install Nvidia 304 driver on 18.04 but it doesn't build! I also installed Ubuntu16.04 and tried the PPA driver installation with no success. I have no idea how to solve this problem.

Any advice?

Solution 1:

I have a similar situation. Rather than downgrading kernel I'm waiting for working patch 5.3+. It would be cool to have a working patch that can be applied to extracted NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-304.137.run archive. I found the blog post about a guy who implemented such a patch for Debian (can it be ported on ubuntu? and how? idk). 304 patch for 5+ kernels