Solving for the closed term solution of a third order recurrence relation with real constant coefficients

How would you solve for the closed term form of $a(n)$ given the general form of the third order linear homogenous recurrence relation with real constant coefficients.


with the initial terms of a1, a2, and a3

and given that the roots of the characteristic equations have

  1. two repeated roots and a real root
  2. three repeated roots

(can you give answers for both cases please)

For second order recurrence relations I know that you can use generating functions to deduce a closed form because it is then expressed as a arithmetic series which can be converted into a closed form.

However in the case of the general term of the third order recurrence relations if I follow the same steps what I did with the second order recurrence relation, instead of getting a simple arithmetic series I seemed to get a second order recurrence relation inside the series.

What am I doing wrong?

or is there a different method of approach in this case?

When I search the web I get these results

S(n) = nAx1^n + Bx1^n + Cx2^n,for the case when there are two repeated roots


S(n) = n^2Ax^n + nBx^n + Cx^n, for the case when there are three repeated roots

I just don't know how to get to these results

Please help

Solution 1:

Note: I changed the terminology somewhat; this sequence starts with $a_0$ rather than $a_1$.

Suppose we have a sequence $a_0,a_1,a_2,\dots$ whose generating function is $$ f_a(x)=a_0+a_1x+a_2x^2+\cdots $$ satisfying the recurrence relation $$ a_n-P\,a_{n-1}-Q\,a_{n-2}-R\,a_{n-3}=0\iff\\ a_n=P\,a_{n-1}+Q\,a_{n-2}+R\,a_{n-3} $$ Multiply $f_a(x)$ by the polynomial $1-Px-Qx^2-Rx^3$ to get the polynomial $$ g(x) = b_0+b_1 x+ b_2 x^2+\cdots $$ where for $n\geq 3$, $b_n=a_n-P\,a_{n-1}-Q\,a_{n-2}-R\,a_{n-3}$. By our recurrence relation, this means that $b_n=0$ whenever $n\geq 3$. So, we have

$$ (1-Px-Qx^2-Rx^3)f_a(x)=b_0+b_1 x+ b_2 x^2 $$ Which is to say that $$ f_a(x)=\frac{b_0+b_1 x+ b_2 x^2}{1-Px-Qx^2-Rx^3} $$ Where $$ b_0 = a_0\\ b_1 = a_1 - P\,a_0\\ b_2 = a_2 - P\,a_1 - Q\,a_0 $$ Can you take it from there?

So in order to bring this back to the characteristic equation, we just need to use another little trick. Instead of writing this as a function of $x$, write it as a function of $\frac1x$. You could do this by making a substitution like $x=\frac1\omega$, but I prefer a more direct approach.

We have: $$ f_a(x)=\frac{b_0+b_1 x+ b_2 x^2}{1-Px-Qx^2-Rx^3} $$ With $b_1,b_2,b_3$ as defined above. From there, just divide the top and bottom by $x^3$ to get $$ f_a(x)=\frac{b_0\left(\frac1{x}\right)^3+b_1 \left(\frac1{x}\right)^2 + b_2 \left(\frac1{x}\right)}{ \left(\frac1{x}\right)^3-P\left(\frac1{x}\right)^2- Q\left(\frac1{x}\right)-R} $$ Now, suppose we have one repeated root. That is, $t^3 - Pt^2 - Qt - R=(t-r_1)(t-r_2)^2$ for roots $r_1,r_2$. We then can write the above as $$ f_a(x)=\frac{b_0\left(\frac1{x}\right)^3+b_1 \left(\frac1{x}\right)^2 + b_2 \left(\frac1{x}\right)}{ \left(\left(\frac1{x}\right)-r_1\right) \left(\left(\frac1{x}\right)-r_2\right)^2} $$ Where would you go from there? For the case of a triply repeated root, we have $t^3 - Pt^2 - Qt - R=(t-r)^3$ for the repeated root $r$. We then can write the generating function as $$ f_a(x)=\frac{b_0\left(\frac1{x}\right)^3+b_1 \left(\frac1{x}\right)^2 + b_2 \left(\frac1{x}\right)}{ \left(\left(\frac1{x}\right)-r\right)^3} $$ Where would you go from there?