Finding presentation of group of order 39

I am trying to find all groups of order $39.$ So far, I have shown that only two such groups exist ($\mathbb{Z}_{39}$ and one nonabelian group). My question is: how can I find a presentation for the nonabelian group? I know that it contains elements of order $3$ and $13$, so I need two generators. But I also need to find some relation that exists between the two generators. Is there any systematic way to go about doing this?

Solution 1:

The 13-sylow, assume generated by $x$, is normal in $G$. Let $y$ be a generator for a 3-sylow. Then by normality, we have $$yxy^{-1} = x^i$$ for some integer $i$. Hence $i^3 \equiv 1 \pmod{13}$, which implies $i\equiv 1,3,9 \pmod{13}$.

The case $i=1$ gives the cyclic group $C_3 \times C_{13}$. The groups given by $i=3,9$ are isomorphic, so a presentation is given by $$\{x,y\mid x^{13} = 1, y^3 = 1, yx= x^3y \}$$