Encrypted Swap Partition for 14.04

How can I produce an encrypted Swap Partition for 14.04 ? All the advices I saw here are for versions <14.04 and do not work for me.

I tried a lot but nothing lasted longer than a reboot.

On installation I decided to encrypt my home and 9 GiB partition for swap but this swap was never used by Kubuntu. Gparted finds an "unknown filesystem".

I many times formated it as swap, edited fstab and crypttab and used all the tricks mentioned in different answers here. The often mentioned PunyGeek letter does not work for me probably because /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume does not even exist on my system.

Solution 1:

After some more trying and bootups I figured out that this seems to work for me:

NOTE: REPLACE the X in sdaX with YOUR partition-number! UUIDs did not work for me!

Install necessary packages:

sudo apt-get install cryptsetup

Format your partition to SWAP

sudo swapoff -a
sudo cryptsetup -d /dev/urandom create cryptswap /dev/sdaX
sudo mkswap -f /dev/mapper/cryptswap -v1 -Lhello-swap

Add or edit the following line to /etc/crypttab:

cryptswap /dev/sdaX /dev/urandom swap

Add or edit the line in /etc/fstab:

/dev/mapper/cryptswap none swap sw 0 0

Re-enable swap:

sudo swapon -s

Confirm that swap is enabled:

free -m | grep Swap:

or check your System Monitor app in the Resources tab.

Solution 2:

Using 14.04LTS, I had the same problem as tomasb, that encrypted swap wasn't on after reboot. I discovered that /etc/crypttab wasn't being processed because the necessary init.d scripts (cryptdisks and cryptdisks-early) weren't installed.

I solved that problem with

$ sudo apt-get install cryptsetup

Rebooted and I had encrypted swap.