Best practice for partial updates in a RESTful service

Solution 1:

You basically have two options:

  1. Use PATCH (but note that you have to define your own media type that specifies what will happen exactly)

  2. Use POST to a sub resource and return 303 See Other with the Location header pointing to the main resource. The intention of the 303 is to tell the client: "I have performed your POST and the effect was that some other resource was updated. See Location header for which resource that was." POST/303 is intended for iterative additions to a resources to build up the state of some main resource and it is a perfect fit for partial updates.

Solution 2:

You should use POST for partial updates.

To update fields for customer 123, make a POST to /customer/123.

If you want to update just the status, you could also PUT to /customer/123/status.

Generally, GET requests should not have any side effects, and PUT is for writing/replacing the entire resource.

This follows directly from HTTP, as seen here:

Solution 3:

You should use PATCH for partial updates - either using json-patch documents (see or or the XML patch framework (see In my opinion though, json-patch is the best fit for your kind of business data.

PATCH with JSON/XML patch documents has very strait forward semantics for partial updates. If you start using POST, with modified copies of the original document, for partial updates you soon run into problems where you want missing values (or, rather, null values) to represent either "ignore this property" or "set this property to the empty value" - and that leads down a rabbit hole of hacked solutions that in the end will result in your own kind of patch format.

You can find a more in-depth answer here:

Solution 4:

I am running into a similar problem. PUT on a sub-resource seems to work when you want to update only a single field. However, sometimes you want to update a bunch of things: Think of a web form representing the resource with option to change some entries. The user's submission of form should not result in a multiple PUTs.

Here are two solution that I can think of:

  1. do a PUT with the entire resource. On the server-side, define the semantics that a PUT with the entire resource ignores all the values that haven't changed.

  2. do a PUT with a partial resource. On the server-side, define the semantics of this to be a merge.

2 is just a bandwidth-optimization of 1. Sometimes 1 is the only option if the resource defines some fields are required fields (think proto buffers).

The problem with both these approaches is how to clear a field. You will have to define a special null value (especially for proto buffers since null values are not defined for proto buffers) that will cause clearing of the field.


Solution 5:

RFC 7396: JSON Merge Patch (published four years after the question was posted) describes the best practices for a PATCH in terms of the format and processing rules.

In a nutshell, you submit an HTTP PATCH to a target resource with the application/merge-patch+json MIME media type and a body representing only the parts that you want to be changed/added/removed and then follow the below processing rules.


  • If the provided merge patch contains members that do not appear within the target, those members are added.

  • If the target does contain the member, the value is replaced.

  • Null values in the merge patch are given special meaning to indicate the removal of existing values in the target.

Example test cases that illustrate the rules above (as seen in the appendix of that RFC):

 ORIGINAL         PATCH           RESULT
{"a":"b"}       {"a":"c"}       {"a":"c"}

{"a":"b"}       {"b":"c"}       {"a":"b",
{"a":"b"}       {"a":null}      {}

{"a":"b",       {"a":null}      {"b":"c"}

{"a":["b"]}     {"a":"c"}       {"a":"c"}

{"a":"c"}       {"a":["b"]}     {"a":["b"]}

{"a": {         {"a": {         {"a": {
  "b": "c"}       "b": "d",       "b": "d"
}                 "c": null}      }
                }               }

{"a": [         {"a": [1]}      {"a": [1]}

["a","b"]       ["c","d"]       ["c","d"]

{"a":"b"}       ["c"]           ["c"]

{"a":"foo"}     null            null

{"a":"foo"}     "bar"           "bar"

{"e":null}      {"a":1}         {"e":null,

[1,2]           {"a":"b",       {"a":"b"}

{}              {"a":            {"a":
                 {"bb":           {"bb":
                  {"ccc":          {}}}