Android: how to check if a View inside of ScrollView is visible?

I have a ScrollView which holds a series of Views. I would like to be able to determine if a view is currently visible (if any part of it is currently displayed by the ScrollView). I would expect the below code to do this, surprisingly it does not:

Rect bounds = new Rect();

Rect scrollBounds = new Rect(scroll.getScrollX(), scroll.getScrollY(), 
        scroll.getScrollX() + scroll.getWidth(), scroll.getScrollY() + scroll.getHeight());

if(Rect.intersects(scrollBounds, bounds))
    //is  visible

This works:

Rect scrollBounds = new Rect();
if (imageView.getLocalVisibleRect(scrollBounds)) {
    // Any portion of the imageView, even a single pixel, is within the visible window
} else {
    // NONE of the imageView is within the visible window

Use View#getHitRect instead of View#getDrawingRect on the view you're testing. You can use View#getDrawingRect on the ScrollView instead of calculating explicitly.

Code from View#getDrawingRect:

 public void getDrawingRect(Rect outRect) {
        outRect.left = mScrollX; = mScrollY;
        outRect.right = mScrollX + (mRight - mLeft);
        outRect.bottom = mScrollY + (mBottom - mTop);

Code from View#getHitRect:

public void getHitRect(Rect outRect) {
        outRect.set(mLeft, mTop, mRight, mBottom);

If you want to detect that the view is FULLY visible:

private boolean isViewVisible(View view) {
    Rect scrollBounds = new Rect();

    float top = view.getY();
    float bottom = top + view.getHeight();

    if ( < top && scrollBounds.bottom > bottom) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

This extension help detect view fully visible.
It also work if your View is a child of child of ... of ScrollView (eg: ScrollView -> LinearLayout -> ContraintLayout -> ... -> YourView).

fun ScrollView.isViewVisible(view: View): Boolean {
    val scrollBounds = Rect()
    var top = 0f
    var temp = view
    while (temp !is ScrollView){
        top += (temp).y
        temp = temp.parent as View
    val bottom = top + view.height
    return < top && scrollBounds.bottom > bottom


1) view.getY() and view.getX() return the x,y value to FIRST PARENT.

2) Here is example about how getDrawingRect will return enter image description here Link

My Solution is use NestedScrollView Scroll element:

    final Rect scrollBounds = new Rect();

    scroller.setOnScrollChangeListener(new NestedScrollView.OnScrollChangeListener() {
        public void onScrollChange(NestedScrollView v, int scrollX, int scrollY, int oldScrollX, int oldScrollY) {

            if (myBtn1 != null) {

                if (myBtn1.getLocalVisibleRect(scrollBounds)) {
                    if (!myBtn1.getLocalVisibleRect(scrollBounds)
                            || scrollBounds.height() < myBtn1.getHeight()) {
                        Log.i(TAG, "BTN APPEAR PARCIALY");
                    } else {
                        Log.i(TAG, "BTN APPEAR FULLY!!!");
                } else {
                    Log.i(TAG, "No");
