Single word for jumping for joy

I know that I can say "I jumped for joy yesterday along with her." But I want it to be more concise than that while replacing a single verb, as in:

  • I _____ yesterday along with her.

picture for jumping for joy

Solution 1:

The exact word you are looking for is Exultant. It literally means jumping out of your skin with joy.

Exultant Merriam Webster

Meaning: to be extremely joyful : rejoice

Usage: the team exulted in their victory

obsolete : to leap for joy

Verb: Exult

I exulted yesterday along with her.


The word exult is made up of ex + sult. The prefix ex mean out of and suffix sult means jump . So, etymologically, it means jump out of oneself with joy.

Solution 2:

Possibly "gambol" (pronounced as gamble)

To leap about playfully; frolic.
A playful skipping or frolicking about.
American Heritage Dictionary

[no object usually with adverbial]
Run or jump about playfully. ‘the mare gambolled towards her’
An act of running or jumping about playfully. 'the two of them run off to the woods for a gambol together’
Oxford Living Dictionaries

Some synonyms for gambol are frolic, romp, play, but none of these as far as I know have the meaning of to jump playfully. However "caper" and "prance" are similar to "gambol"

Whether playfully can mean happily, I'm not sure, but "playfully" seems to suggest happiness or joy to me.

I'm also not sure whether "a gambol" can refer to a single jump, or whether it has to mean a continued act of playful jumping.

I did a search for "gambol" to mean a single jump and came up with a few results, though these are by no means strong support.

A gambol (n.) is the energetic leap of a horse. It is also an outburst of energetic and playful activity—not necessarily involving a horse—or a general frolic or romp.
Gambol and Gimbal blog

He thrust at me, but I leapt over his spear thus,” and he gambolled into the air.
Children of the Storm A book published in 2012
(This does not suggest happiness, as it's describing a fight.)

Etymology of "gambol": In Middle French, the noun "gambade" referred to the frisky spring of a jumping horse.
Merriam Webster Dictionary lists "leap" and "spring" as synonyms.

Solution 3:

- to feel or show great happiness about something

Note that jump for joy is in this list of synonyms for rejoice at

A bit further off the beaten track, there's also...

- to go into an ecstasy