How to partition SSD+HDD?

You have almost the same setup as me. 128 GB SSD 1.5 TB conventional.

Here is how I would do it:

  • Leave everything on the conventional drive for the time being.
  • Install and partition the ssd using a live distribution usb stick. I wouldn't even touch your old drive here.
  • See if everything boots to the new partition okay. You may need to adjust bios settings to make it boot to your new drive.
  • set up the mountpoint
sudo -i
mkdir /media/hdd

You will get something like the following:

/dev/sda1: UUID="0f6e1051-cf9f-4299-b691-76d0d8c532d1" TYPE="ext4" 
/dev/sda5: UUID="058b6235-7e74-42ce-96c9-59f6cb0a44f3" TYPE="swap" 
/dev/sdb1: UUID="40a50699-a900-4bfe-a9e4-6587c1a83464" TYPE="ext4" 

copy the UUID of your secondary drive (mine is sdb1)

nano /etc/fstab
paste in uuid line without the quotes and add some fstab goodness:
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a
# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices
# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
# / was on /dev/sda1 during installation
UUID=0f6e1051-cf9f-4299-b691-76d0d8c532d1 /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       1
# swap was on /dev/sda5 during installation
UUID=058b6235-7e74-42ce-96c9-59f6cb0a44f3 none            swap    sw              0       0
# /media/hdd on /dev/sdb1
UUID=40a50699-a900-4bfe-a9e4-6587c1a83464 /media/hdd        ext4    defaults    0       2    

You may need to change the ext4 to something else if your other drive is formatted differently.

Check to make sure mounts properly

mount /media/hdd
and see if it works.
  • make sure permissions are okay in /mnt/hdd/home/username
    ls -l /mnt/hdd/home/username
    where username is the name of your user. if the permissions look okay skip, if not (still with root)
chown username:username -R /media/home/username
  • Link directories you want in home with those on the ssd

These can be done with user permissions, I would suggest you do this with empty directories: For example Pictures

cd ~
rm -rf Pictures
ln -sf /media/hdd/home/username/Pictures .

Do this for any directory you expect to take too much space, for me it's Pictures, Music, Documents, Videos

  • (optional) Carefully clean up the /media/hdd/ directory with root permissions. By carefully I mean do not delete /media/hdd/home !

I never bothered with preload using an SSD, I don't imagine anything will make Solid State faster than it already is. I think your simplest course of action would be to install 14.04 on your 128 GB SSD mounted at / as you propose and use the 1 TB Hard drive mounted on /home. You don't need swap as you have 16 GB of RAM. I have 8 and never needed it. However, If you wish to Suspend/Hibernate the system you may wish to reserve enough swap space to do so. You will want to copy /home and it's contents to a temporary location and copy it back after your done with the install. If you mount it as is your home will end up at /home/home with predictable results