Browser support for CSS Grid

What's the browser support situation regarding CSS Grid?

I'm looking around and having hard time understanding the whole picture about compatibility.

If I go to Can I Use, it seems almost all browsers support it. But if I go to Microsoft documentation, the situation changes a bit.

It seems that almost all browsers support Grid but, except for Firefox, none of them support all the features.

Then, regarding Edge, I got that it only supports an old specification no longer used and the updated one is currently in progress.

Solution 1:

Browser Support for CSS Grid

  • Chrome - full support as of March 8, 2017 (version 57)
  • Firefox - full support as of March 6, 2017 (version 52)
  • Safari - full support as of March 26, 2017 (version 10.1)
  • Edge - full support as of October 16, 2017 (version 16)
  • IE11 - no support for current spec; supports obsolete version
  • IE10 - no support for current spec; supports obsolete version

Here's the complete picture: (click on "Show all" for more details)