Numix removes borders and colors in unity launcher

The borders being removed was done intentionally in a recent update:

Numix Project - Google+ - Numix GTK theme was updated along with Numix Light and Dark…

If you want them back, you just have to remove some files in the theme. Browse to /usr/share/themes/Numix/unity (or wherever you put the theme). There you'll find some .svg files starting with launcher_icon_ and then something. If you remove those files, you'll have your backgrounds back.

You need to remove the following files from /usr/share/themes/Numix/unity :

  • launcher_icon_back_54.svg
  • launcher_icon_back_150.svg
  • launcher_icon_edge_54.svg
  • launcher_icon_edge_150.svg
  • launcher_icon_glow_62.svg
  • launcher_icon_glow_200.svg
  • launcher_icon_selected_back_54.svg
  • launcher_icon_selected_back_150.svg
  • launcher_icon_shadow_62.svg
  • launcher_icon_shadow_200.svg
  • launcher_icon_shine_54.svg
  • launcher_icon_shine_150.svg

What I like to do is replacing them with those from the flat theme "Azure", which complement the Numix theme very well.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/themes
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install azure-gtk-theme

Here is a screenshot:

Numix theme with Azure theme Unity tiles.