How do I convert WAV to FLAC and FLAC to OGG?

How do I convert a Waveform Audio File (".wav") to the Free Lossless Audio Codec (".flac")? In addition, how do I convert Free Lossless Audio Codec (".flac") files to Ogg Vorbis (".ogg") files, for use on mobile devices?

The requirement to convert WAV files to the FLAC is only for a single file and I don't anticipate that I will need to do this again anytime soon (I honestly don't even remember the last time I used a WAV file!), but the requirement to convert FLAC files to OGG will be an ongoing requirement (usually for a folder-at-a-time), as I rip my CDs into the FLAC for playback on "powerful" devices with "decent" speakers/audio output (the Sony PlayStation 3, the computer, etc...) and use OGG exclusively on my mobile devices (my smartphone, my tablet, etc...).

I am semi-competent with Terminal and am not "scared" to use it as some people understandably are (in fact for many things, I prefer it)... But with regards to this particular task, I would prefer to use something with a graphical interface where possible.

For wav > flac :

ffmpeg -i FILE.wav FILE.flac

For wav > ogg

ffmpeg -i FILE.wav FILE.ogg

For wav > ogg - Batch mode

for i in *.wav; do ffmpeg -i "$i" "$i".ogg ; done

Install Soundconverter from Synaptic Package Manager or install it from within a shell prompt with

sudo apt-get install soundconverter

Once installed, launch it, and click on the Preferences icon to set your default output format to OGG (which you can override when you need to convert to other formats).