Google Chrome Extensions are not Syncing

I'm using chrome browser(latest version) on windows 7 in office and on Ubuntu 12.04 in home. I have just installed it in ubuntu. All the bookmarks have been synced. But none of the extensions has been synced in home's browser. I enabled the option 'Sync Everything'. But still the problem exists.

What should I do to sync the extensions too?

Solution 1:

Give it some time. As far as I remember when I first tried the sync feature, It took around 15 minutes and then the new extensions magically appeared.

Solution 2:

The issue is known: Issue 170107

The solution is to go to Extensions, enable Developer mode and press Update extensions now. That will immediately pull all the extensions for your account.

Solution 3:

First time is always slow because its getting all your bookmarks plus the extensions. Next few times will be super fast.