Multiple Skype Accounts in Windows 8

We use Skype at work and I use Skype at home, however I have two accounts so clients can't call me at home and I'm not distracted when I'm at work.

I've just upgraded my laptop from Windows 7 to Windows 8, in 7 I'd sign into one then sign out. With Windows 8 you have to tie it to your Windows Account.

How can I maintain this distinction and still use my laptop for Skype calls when I work at home?

Use the 2nd account on Desktop Skype. Your Microsoft account in Metro Modern Skype.

I use two separate Windows logon accounts. One for work with my work Skype, one for home with my home Skype. I also separate the work and home email this way in Outlook too. Documents, pics, vids and audio I want to share go in the public folders, which I just include in the libraries on both accounts. My work account is set up as an admin user, the home account is a normal user, but you can make them both admin users if you want. HTH

These are some of the things i got while goggling and i am sharing it with you.

get to windows 8 screen type in Run

and follow these steps.

In the Run window, enter the following command (include the quotes) and press OK:

"C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /secondary another solution is also there i am just providing you the Link

Hope this Helps..