How to Track CPU and Memory Usage Per Process

I have seen this question asked on here before but was unable to follow the answer which was given. I would like to monitor a processes CPU, Memory, and possibly GPU usage over a given time. The data would be useful if presented in a graph.

It would be nice if I could do this using Performance Monitor, but I am open to alternative solutions as well. I have tried using Performance Monitor and my problem is that I'm not sure which performance counters to use since there are so many. I've been looking at a Process, Processor, Memory, etc. but I'm not sure which counters within those categories will be of interest to me. My OS is Windows 7.

Solution 1:

To monitor memory on the system (or for specific processes):

  • Open Performance Monitor (control panel -> administrative tools)
  • Add Counters
  • Expand "Process"
  • Select "Private Bytes"
  • Select the processes to monitor in the "Instances of selected object" the hit Add, or just hit Add for the entire system
  • Ok

That's what I've found so far... however getting the graph to look reasonable still eludes me!