Poor quality PNG image when printing to PDF in Word 2010

The PNG format is not suitable for what you are trying to acheive.

You mention that you have an EPS version of the logo.

I would insert the EPS directly into the Word file for the best results. The EPS file is a vector graphic format that will allow you to resize it without getting the scaling artifacts you get with bitmap formats.

The only issue with doing it this way is that Word will display and most likely print a bitmap preview image instead of the actual vector information. But, when you print the Word file to PDF the vector information will be embedded in the PDF.

Instead of Printing to pdf (file > print > select Adobe pdf), publish to pdf (file > Publish as PDF or XPS). When you select Publish the dialog box opens, the drop down menu says PDF and if you look down, grayed out it says high quality printing. You can click change to adjust the settings, but if it's set to high quality printing you may find that you don't have to. Crops and bleeds options can also be found in the print options when you hit Change.

I tried everything above and none of it worked. Here's what worked from Word 2010. I don't know which steps were required, but it worked for me.

  1. Save As
  2. Tools
  3. Compress
  4. Options
  5. Uncheck automatically compress images.
  6. Apply
  7. OK
  8. Save As as Word 2003 .xml
  9. Right click on image: Convert
  10. Convert image to Word Image
  11. Save As again as above but Save As PDF.

This question is ancient, but since I found it by searching for an answer to this very same problem, I thought I'd give my steps for resolving this issue. This is for Office 2013:

First, before doing the following, make sure to go to File > Options, Advanced and check the box that says "Do not compress images in file." If you are going to print the document or send it to be printed by someone else, also choose 220dpi from the dropdown menu to make the image save as crisp as possible.

Next, follow these steps - they worked for me to print out a PDF with perfect image fidelity.

  1. Insert your source image into Word.
  2. Go to File > Export.
  3. Click on "Change File Type."
  4. Click on "Save as Another File Type."
  5. Click "Save as ..."
  6. On the Save as screen, select PDF from the "Save as Type" dropdown.
  7. Save the file.

The resulting PDF should have resolution for embedded graphics equal to the source image.