Examples of CoffeeScript in NodeJS?

See this gist: https://gist.github.com/652819

Its pretty much an entire NodeJS app using the Express framework, Redis for session storage, Couchdb as the database and written in CoffeeScript. However, you are asking for code organization. That depends from developer to developer. I personally prefer Express. However if you prefer MVC style then see Geddy.

GitHub is your friend:

  • https://github.com/stephank/orona (Game)
  • https://github.com/drewlesueur/simple-websocket (WebSockets)

And if you want even more, take a look at the listing for the Coffee-Script Language. I suppose that 95% of the projects there are related to Node.js at the moment.

The Zappa framework is a coffeescript layer on top of Express, Socket.IO and more. It's quite comprehensive and the examples might contain what you're looking for? https://github.com/mauricemach/zappa/

here is a search for github, for everything writtin in coffeescript and description containing the word "node" - returning 300+ entries
