Remove APK from library in Google Play Developer Console

Just go to App bundle explorer and remove the needed abb. You can do it with these steps:

  1. Open Google Play Console
  2. Go to your project
  3. Go to the "Release" section of the side-bar
  4. Go to the "App bundle explorer"
  5. Find the APK/Bundle and click "Delete APK/Bundle".

Keep in mind that you need to detach the specific APK/Bundle from any draft releases and save it. Otherwise, the delete option will not be available.

For new Google Play Console:

Click on App bundle explorer

This is the latest app apk artifact that you have uploaded enter image description here

For older app in your app library, on your right side of the screen youll see this button. It will open App Library and you can choose .apk file from there

enter image description here

When you click Artifact:your_artifact_name.apk button, this App Library will be shown:

enter image description here

Delete button will appear on the right side, right below the artifact library drop-down menu: enter image description here

NOTE: If your application is uploaded and have been published on production (was live), you cannot delete that app artifact because holds some production app data.

Yes you can remove the app

Before Release

  1. Open your app
  2. Side nav find artifact library
  3. You can delete your APK here

Refer screenshot attached

After Release

  1. Open app
  2. Under Release Management your can find artifact library
  3. You can delete your APK here

Note: The live version of APK can't be deleted.