Get last modified object from S3 using AWS CLI

I have a use case where I programmatically bring up an EC2 instance, copy an executable file from S3, run it and shut down the instance (done in user-data). I need to get only the last added file from S3.

Is there a way to get the last modified file / object from a S3 bucket using the AWS CLI tool?

Solution 1:

You can list all the objects in the bucket with aws s3 ls $BUCKET --recursive:

$ aws s3 ls $BUCKET --recursive
2015-05-05 15:36:17          4 an_object.txt
2015-06-08 14:14:44   16322599 some/other/object
2015-04-29 12:09:29      32768

They're sorted alphabetically by key, but that first column is the last modified time. A quick sort will reorder them by date:

$ aws s3 ls $BUCKET --recursive | sort
2015-04-29 12:09:29      32768
2015-05-05 15:36:17          4 an_object.txt
2015-06-08 14:14:44   16322599 some/other/object

tail -n 1 selects the last row, and awk '{print $4}' extracts the fourth column (the name of the object).

$ aws s3 ls $BUCKET --recursive | sort | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $4}'

Last but not least, drop that into aws s3 cp to download the object:

$ KEY=`aws s3 ls $BUCKET --recursive | sort | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $4}'`
$ aws s3 cp s3://$BUCKET/$KEY ./latest-object

Solution 2:

Updated answer

After a while there is a small update how to do it a bit elegant:

aws s3api list-objects-v2 --bucket "my-awesome-bucket" --query 'sort_by(Contents, &LastModified)[-1].Key' --output=text

Instead of extra reverse function we can get last entry from the list via [-1]

Old answer

This command just do the job without any external dependencies:

aws s3api list-objects-v2 --bucket "my-awesome-bucket" --query 'reverse(sort_by(Contents, &LastModified))[:1].Key' --output=text

Solution 3:

aws s3api list-objects-v2 --bucket "bucket-name" |jq  -c ".[] | max_by(.LastModified)|.Key"

Solution 4:

If this is a freshly uploaded file, you can use Lambda to execute a piece of code on the new S3 object.

If you really need to get the most recent one, you can name you files with the date first, sort by name, and take the first object.