How do I get Google Chrome back to desktop mode on Windows 8

Solution 1:

You can also edit the registry to have the Chrome tile on the start menu launch in desktop mode regardless of which browser is set to default.

I've posted a detailed blog post with step-by-step instructions and screenshots:

Solution 2:

Go to the menu (three horizontal lines) and select "Relaunch Chrome on the Desktop"

Solution 3:

There's a switch to desktop mode option in your chrome settings button. Select that and it'll close chrome in the metro/modern/windows store app UI, and reopen it in desktop

Solution 4:

A simple registry fix is all you need...

you can enter registry by going into the start menu... type regedit... press enter

once registry editor is open go to the following registry path


in that path there is a registry entry called


change the value of the entry from 1 to 0

and VWALAH its alive.

Solution 5:

Only the default browser will use the Metro mode in Windows 8. If you want Chrome to use the desktop mode you can make another browser, for example IE, the default one.