On a laptop where was previously installed Windows 8.1 I was perfectly able to use the hibernation feature. I have upgraded to Windows 10 and now the hibernation feature is disabled. If I run a powercfg -a command it tells me that the hibernation is not available for a very strange reason to me. It says, more or less since I am translating the text from another language, that the hibernation file type does not support the hibernation.

Does anybody have any idea of what this means?

I verified and on the root of my C: drive I have a hiberfil.sys if I enable the hibernation via the powercfg -h on and the file is removed if I issue the off command. Strangly the file size is only of 300MB when my installed RAM is 1.5GB. I still have 50GB of free space and I am using an SSD drive.

Many thanks!

I found the solution: in fact the file was too small!

I don't know why powercfg -h sets the file so small automatically, but running the following fixed the problem:

powercfg -h -size 75%

Just to clarify @Manny post since am unable to post a comment.

  • Select Command Prompt. Make sure you run as Admin - right click on the command prompt and select Run as administrator
  • Type 'powercfg -h off' Press Enter.

    powercfg -h off

    If it returns an unexpected error

    powercfg -h -size off
  • Type 'powercfg -h on' Press Enter.

    powercfg -h on

    If it returns an unexpected error

    powercfg -h -size on

I'm assuming that hibernation is enabled (powercfg -h on)

Open command prompt as admin

Type: shutdown -h

If nothing happens, there are two posibilites:

  1. you have not installed all drivers or some of them are invaild (most likly this is the problem)
  2. you dont have sufficient free space on system drive