A word for a place where you store antiques [closed]

I'm writing a song and I'm trying to come up with a word for a place, a room, a shop, or even a piece of furniture where people store old things or collectible objects. The idea is to imply that something is old or is more like a collection piece now by saying it is getting saved there (in the song).

A hutch or a curio cabinet would be used to store curiosities within someone's house or apartment. If you're speaking of china specifically, a china cabinet would work.

A shop/place where used or old collectible items are sold could be an antique store, vintage shop, thrift store, flea market, swap meet (regional), estate sale (implies that a collector is going to the deceased's house rather than a store), or even a garage sale depending on what you're going for.

It’s called a lumber room. The term is common in English literature, since the writers of a certain period (think Jane Austen) tended to set their stories in the large houses that contained them.

There is a short story by Saki, called The Lumber Room, which can be read online in several places, including East of the Web, from which I copied the following passage, which describes what young Nicholas sees as he escapes from his severe aunt and finds his way into the forbidden space:

...objects of delight and interest claiming his instant attention; there were quaint twisted candlesticks in the shape of snakes, and a teapot fashioned like a china duck, out of whose open beak the tea was supposed to come. How dull and shapeless the nursery teapot seemed in comparison! And there was a carved sandalwood box packed tight with aromatic cotton-wool, and between the layers of cotton-wool were little brass figures, hump-necked bulls, and peacocks and goblins, delightful to see and to handle.