Can steam create an overview of all my achievements?

There is also It tracks all of my X360 achievements, and there is the capability to track Steam, as well as PSN and XFire. I do not have a steam account, but I like what they do with the XBox. Might be worth trying out for Steam.

I don't think that Steam provides such an overview. However, Steam (and Steamworks) provide tools that could easily give the possibility to build it.

Check out the documentation and examples:


Some community platforms provide almost that kind of feature (but not exactly what you want, I think). You should have a look at Astats (especially this page) and Steamlevel.

Steamlevel also says something interesting about Steam web API and achievements (in its FAQ):

Can you show achievements?

I'd love to! Unfortunately Steam's Web API for achievements isn't public for all games. I could list achievements of Valve games, but achievements aren't readily available. I'm still working on researching other ways to retrieve them, but don't hold your breath.

For the records, most of those links came from this Steam's forum discussion: Is there any site that will allow you to compare Steam collections?

It's currently not possible to collect user achievement data wit the "new" API. It's possible with the "old" XML API though.

It's basically just adding an uri parameter named xml with value 1 to a normal community uri. (So for a community page of this becomes

This is a sample C# implementation (for demonstration purposes only!) which exposes a User.Load method which takes the community id as a parameter. (That id would be XYZ in the example above.)

// System.dll
// System.Xml.dll
// System.Xml.Linq.dll
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Xml.XPath;

public class Achievement
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public Uri Icon { get; set; }

public class Game
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public Uri Logo { get; set; }

public class OwnedGame : Game
    public User User { get; set; }
    public Stats Stats { get; set; }

public class Stats
    public OwnedGame Game { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<Achievement> Achievements { get; set;}

public class User
    private const string SteamCommunityProfileUriFormat = "{0}?xml=1";
    private const string SteamCommunityProfileGamesUriFormat = "{0}/games?xml=1";

    public long Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public Uri Avatar { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<OwnedGame> Games { get; set; }

    public static User Load(long id)
        XDocument profileDocument = XDocument.Load(string.Format(SteamCommunityProfileUriFormat, id));
        XElement profileElement = profileDocument.Element("profile");

        User user = new User()
            Id = long.Parse(profileElement.Element("steamID64").Value),
            Name = profileElement.Element("steamID").Value,
            Avatar = new Uri(profileElement.Element("avatarIcon").Value, UriKind.Absolute),

        XDocument gamesDocument = XDocument.Load(string.Format(SteamCommunityProfileGamesUriFormat, id));

        List<OwnedGame> games = new List<OwnedGame>();

        foreach (XElement gameElement in gamesDocument.XPathSelectElements("gamesList/games/game"))
            OwnedGame game = new OwnedGame()
                Id = int.Parse(gameElement.Element("appID").Value),
                Name = gameElement.Element("name").Value,
                Logo = new Uri(gameElement.Element("logo").Value, UriKind.Absolute),
                User = user

            XElement statsLinkElement = gameElement.Element("statsLink");

            if (statsLinkElement != null)
                    XDocument statsDocument = XDocument.Load(statsLinkElement.Value + "?xml=1");

                    game.Stats = new Stats()
                        Game = game,
                        Achievements = statsDocument
                                    .Where(achievementElement => achievementElement.Attribute("closed").Value == "1")
                                    .Select(achievementElement => new Achievement()
                                                                        Name = achievementElement.Element("name").Value,
                                                                        Description = achievementElement.Element("description").Value,
                                                                        Icon = new Uri(achievementElement.Element("iconClosed").Value, UriKind.Absolute)
                catch (WebException)


        user.Games = games.AsReadOnly();

        return user;

Example usage:

long id = ...
User user = User.Load(id);
int totalAchievementCount = user.Games.Where(game => game.Stats != null).SelectMany(game => game.Stats.Achievements).Count();

Let me hope there are not too much typos in there :-)


  • As stated in the Steam Web API Terms of Use "you are limited to one hundred thousand (100,000) calls to the Steam Web API per day."
  • All HTTP responses of have a Cache-Control: no-cache Header.
  • The XML API is "old" and was meant to be fully replaced. That means: XML-Data may be invalid and not available for all resources. (That's currently the case for Team Fortress 2 Stats)
  • You don't need an API-Key as it's the case for the "new" API.

I found the website SteamStats which addresses my need. It tracks almost all steam games and calculates an overall score of all the achievements you have earned. The value of an achievement depends on the amount of achievements in the game and how many other players owning the game have completed that.

This mechanism is great because it puts a higher value on those achievements that are harder to get. I just tried the site for the first day and I like it already. Unfortunately the features are very limited but my basic requirements are met. The value system has some already obvious flaws. Skyrim, a game which you can play for over 100 hours easily without getting more than half of the achievements, is only worth less than 100 points if you get all the achievements. Other games like Q.U.B.E., where you can get all the achievements within 15 hours easily (once they are fixed) are worth about the same amount of points.

If anyone knows of a similar service with more features, I will accept their answer. Otherwise I will accept my own, because it currently fits what I am looking for best.

If you are above Level 10 on Steam then you get something known as an Achievement Showcase. This shows the number of achievements you have completed, percentage completed for all games that you have started and the number of games where you have got all achievements.

Something like this