In the market or to the market?

“A new brand is introduced in the market” or “A new product is introduced to the market”? Which one is correct? Thanks in advance, folks.

Solution 1:

Both work, but the connotation is slightly different. One is where is it introduced, the other is whereto is it introduced.

Introducing in the market:

|     MARKET                   |
|                              |
|                wow           |
|               O              |
| look at      /|\             |
| my thing     / \      so     |
|   O__▣               O cool  |
|  /|         such    /|\      |
|  / \       O thing  / \      |
|           /|\                |
|           / \                |
|                              |

Introducing to the market:

            |     MARKET                   |
            |                              |
            |         wow                  |
            |       O                      |
            |      /|\                     |
            |      / \            so       |
look at     |                    O cool    |
my thing    |           such    /|\        |
  O__▣      |         O thing   / \        |
 /|         |        /|\                   |
 / \        |        / \                   |
            |                              |

Solution 2:

In this context, “to” would be the correct preposition. “In the market” would connote that something was introduced in a marketplace, as opposed to something being put on the market. An alternative to to would be into. “A new brand is introduced into the market.” Something or someone has to be introduced to something or someone else. You can’t introduce in or introduce on.

Solution 3:

Consider omitting any explicit reference to the market.

Example 1. “A new brand is introduced to the market when a company wants to target a new demographic.”


“A new brand is introduced when a company wants to target a new demographic.”

Example 2. “When a new product is introduced to the market it falls to advertisers and early adopters to inform the public.”


“When a new product is introduced it falls to advertisers and early adopters to inform the public.”