How do I print with the screen stylesheet?

Using Chrome Developer Tools (Ctrl+Shift+I) is the only thing I have found that works.

  1. Search for all instances of media="screen" and delete that attribute.
  2. Then search for media="print" and delete that whole link.
  3. Then try printing.

This generally gives me the page with screen styling.

If you really just want to disable print styles, you can install the Web Developer extension (I think there is a version for Firefox and Chrome). It has a button to disable print styles. However, it does not extend the "screen" style to print, so most of the time it does not work the way you hope it will.

Please check Bastian answer instead:

There is a new method to directly choose the media emulation in Developer Tools, see

I found an easy way to do it in Chrome.

Open Developer Tool > Rendering > Select 'screen' in Emulate CSS media.

Now try to print. It will pick the screen CSS instead of Print CSS.