Disable Win+Space keyboard-layout switch in Windows 10

Disable Win+Space keyboad-layout swap

AFAIK this is the only way to disable Win+Space keyboad-layout swap without disabling all other Win+XYZ shortcuts:

This is how to do it:

  1. Download AHK (AutoHotkey)
  2. Install AHK
  3. Right click any folder and choose New > AutoHotkey Script Create new script

  4. Right click the script and choose Edit Script Edit Script

  5. Replace whatever is there with this (and save):

  6. Right click the script and choose Compile Script Compile script

  7. Run script by double clicking the newly created .exe and do a test. Rename it whatever you want and store it for the next time you want to disable the Win+Space shortcut.

Additional step to make it persistent:

Copy the .exe to the startup folder. Below I've listed the path for the folders:

Current user:

C:\Users\%Username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

All users:

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp

This is an addition to the answer from Calsal, as I had the same problem that he described, but in Windows 10.

For Windows 10:

  • go to Edit language and keyboard options -> Advanced Keyboard Settings -> Language Bar Options -> Advanced Key Settings
  • select Change Key Sequence for Between Input Languages
  • change "Switch Keyboard Layout" to "Not Assigned"

enjoy the good life.  The Windows+Space option still works; if you want that, see the upvoted answer.

You can also use the new PowerToys for Windows 10 to remap it. In my case I remapped it so that it brings up PowerToys Run when I press Win-Space enter image description here

I found this while experiencing the same problem as the OP, on Windows 10. My findings were that Calsal's down-voted answer was what actually worked for me.

My problem had nothing to do with the Win+Space hotkey. Instead, it was switching "randomly" to "ENG INTL" because the hotkeys for "Between Input Languages" were configured by default to switch the keyboard layout if you pressed "Ctrl + Shift". As a programmer who uses lots of hotkeys, I end up hitting "Ctrl" and "Shift" at the same time a lot.