nautilus connect to server via ssh no longer present in ubuntu 14.04

Solution 1:

It is still there in "Files > Connect to ..."

Enter sftp://user@address/folder/ and you should be good to go.

Solution 2:

open terminal

ctrl + Alt + T



Connect to server

Enter your ssh ip address:


Enter your username and password:


You are done: after successful login, you will see like this:

server folder

Hope this will help you.

Solution 3:

The problem

When trying to access a remote filesystem via sftp in nautilus (enter ^L to access the location bar, entered sftp://user@host/export/dumps/client/user/ as uri, the current working directory gets prepended: /home/user/sftp:/user@host/.. and echoed in the error message(/home/user being the current working directory):

**Unable to find the requested file. Please check the spelling and try again.**
Unhandled error message: Error when getting information for file '/home/user/sftp:/user@host/...': No such file or directory.

Short Answer

At least on my system, it seems that sshfs was not installed during the upgrade to 14.04. Check if it is installed:

apt-cache policy sshfs

For me, installing it:

sudo apt-get install sshfs

fixed the problem. (You need to restart the entire gnome desktop for this to become effective, so you may just as well reboot after installing it if you're on a desktop system without concerns about downtimes and server functionality)

The menu point for accessing a remote server (which used to be in the File menu) is now visible in the left pane under Network - Connect to Server. It is also possible to enter a URI (sftp://user@server/path) into the location bar that gets displayed when hitting Ctrl+L.

Long Answer

I've been battling this problem from another angle (see [deja-dup ssh method doesn't work - writes locally instead][1]), and finding the reason for the mysterious misbehaviour took me into the depths of

  • gvfs
  • sshfs
  • fuse

Debugging process:

trying to mount via gvfs:

% gvfs-mount sftp://user@server/export/dumps/client/home/user
Error mounting location: volume doesn't implement mount

If the user is not the one running the current desktop, gvfs-mount needs to be prepended with dbus-launch:

dbus-launch gvfs-mount sftp://user@server/export/dumps/client/home/user

to be able to mount the remote directory. However, this doesn't seem permanent, so we're containing all our gvfs related stuff within one shell:

dbus-launch bash
gvfs-mount sftp://user@server/export/dumps/client/home/user
calibre@magrathea:~$ gvfs-mount -l
Drive(0): ST320LT020-9YG142
  Type: GProxyDrive (GProxyVolumeMonitorUDisks2)
Volume(0): 5,4 GB Volume
  Type: GProxyVolume (GProxyVolumeMonitorUDisks2)
Volume(1): Nexus7
  Type: GProxyVolume (GProxyVolumeMonitorUDisks2)
Mount(0): user on server -> sftp://user@server/
  Type: GDaemonMount
nautilus &

Looks like gvfs mounted the remote home directory of user instead of the requested absolute path. Same if /export gets an additional / preprended. Within the nautilus that got called in the last line, an URI pointing to the desired absolute path can be entered and mounted once the underlying problem is solved.

trying to mount via sshfs:

Additional dependencies (incomplete):

  • The user needs to be a member of the fuse group. Test with: grep <username> /etc/group, if he's missing: sudo usermod -a -G fuse <user>. With a passwordless group, the user needs to logout/re-login for this change to take effect.
  • gvfs-backend needs to be installed

(to be continued)

[1]: deja-dup ssh method doesn't work - writes locally instead. Check with apt-cache policy gvfs-backend