Command line games
Solution 1:
You can install the package bsdgames to get a collection of games, then there is the excellent NetHack and the fast paced, all action, all the time, gravity defying, "moonbuggy".
here is a list of games provided by the bsdgames package to get you going:
- adventure
- arithmetic
- atc
- backgammon
- battlestar
- bcd
- boggle
- caesar
- canfield
- cfscores
- countmail
- cribbage
- dab
- go-fish
- gomoku
- hack
- hangman
- hunt
- mille
- monop
- morse
- number
- phantasia
- pig
- pom
- ppt
- primes
- quiz
- rain
- random
- robots
- rot13
- sail
- snake
- snscore
- teachgammon
- tetris-bsd
- trek
- wargames
- worm
- worms
- wtf
- wump
Solution 2:
I "played" with vimtutor. I know it is not the exact answer to your question but I treated as a get to next level game, and won in productivity...
Solution 3:
Sure! You should try Nethack.
Just install the package nethack-console ( sudo apt-get install nethack-console ) and enjoy.
From wikipedia:
NetHack is a single-player roguelike video game originally released in 1987. It is a descendant of an earlier game called Hack (1985), which is a descendant of Rogue (1980).[2] Salon describes it as "one of the finest gaming experiences the computing world has to offer."
Solution 4:
Here is an oldie but a goodie - space invaders! (sudo apt-get install ninvaders)