bash: npm: command not found?

If you have already installed nodejs and still getting this error. npm: command not found..

run this

apt-get install -y npm

I also come here for the same problem, The solution I found is to install npm and then restart the Visual Studio Code

in redhat base OS (tested in centos 7)

yum install nodejs npm -y

in debian base OS

apt-get install -y npm    

I know it's an old question. But it keeps showing in google first position and all it says it's "install node.js". For a newbie this is not obvious, so all you have to do is go to the node.js website and search for the command for your linux distribution version or any other operating system. Here is the link:

In this page you have to choose your operating system and you'll find your command. Then you just log into your console as a root (using putty for instance) and execute that command.

After that, you log as normal user and go again inside your laravel application folder and run again npm install command, and it should work. Hope it helps.