Will a Culture Bomb take a city in an adjacent tile?
I understand how the basic Culture Bomb works. What I'm asking is if you own the tile adjacent to a neighboring city (other player or City State) and perform a Culture Bomb in it, will you take over that city?
In the picture below, the x's are your territory, the o's are your neighbor's, and the C is your neighbor's city.
x x o o o o
x x C o o
x x(x)o o o
x x o o o
If you bomb the (x) tile to change the territory like so
x x o o o o
x x C o o
x x(x)x o o
x x x o o
will you control the city C?
Solution 1:
According to this (fairly comprehensive) guide, a Culture Bomb will not convert a city. The author states that those long-range land grabs can still be useful even if they're outside of your cities' 3 tile radius utilization zone, to simply deny those resources to your enemy.