Dynamically Trigger HTML5 Cache Manifest file?

You dynamically trigger caching by adding an iframe that points to an empty page containing the actual cache manifest.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html manifest="offline.appcache">

Make sure to add index.html to the cache manifest. Then just add something like:

<iframe src="offline.html" width="0" height="0">

to document.body dynamically to trigger caching.

After many weeks spent with offline caching, the answer is no, you either cache or don't cache, setting the cache attribute on the client side has no effect.

You could consider offering an alternate url for the caching version, be aware that the page is also implicitly cached as a "master entry".

I am at a loss to understand why you would want to offline cache jquery though, since it is likely to be served with very long expiry anyway.

You may wish to consider offline storage as an alternative. Store the text of the scripts and inject them into the DOM on load. If not cached fetch using Ajax and inject the response, as creating a script tag with the src won't load the script.