Does the Android Emulator support OpenGL ES 2.0?

This article suggests that it does not, but I was hoping something might have changed since April.

Solution 1:

Google released a new version with native x86 processor support, which sped things up a bit. It also supports OpenGL ES 2.0,faster-emulator-with-better-hardware :

As a bonus, since we’re now supporting OpenGL ES 2.0, your OpenGL games can now run inside the emulator.

Note: When creating a virtual machine, make sure to select the “GPU emulation” option from the hardware menu if you want to take advantage of the new features.

Solution 2:

OpenGL ES 2.0 is not supported on Android Emulator (provided in SDK 2.3). Google is working on this feature but it is not yet available.

Update: it is available on OS X and windows with 4.0.3 image.