That dood it, I dood it, meaning?

In 1958 James Brown introduced rapping with "That Dood It", and there's a movie from 1943 called "I Dood It".. I assume "Dood" in this context is stand in for "Did". Is this correct?

tl;dr - It's a replacement for various forms of the verb "to do"

"I dood it" was a "catch phrase" for radio and film comedian Red Skelton, usually when performing as a bratty young boy often referred to as "The Mean Widdle Kid". He starred in that film, but not as the Mean Widdle Kid.

If I dood it, I get a whupping...(pause) I dood it!

It's a malaprop to indicate the immature speech pattern of a young child. It's a replacement for various forms of the verb "to do", so here it would translate as "If I do it, I'll be hit...(pause) I'll do it (or I'm going to do it)"

The phrase was such a part of national culture at the time that, when General Doolittle conducted the bombing of Tokyo in 1942, many newspapers used the phrase "Doolittle Dood It" as a headline. (via wiki, above)

In that case, it would translate as "Doolittle Did it"

In James Brown's song, it would translate as "that does it", as in "I've had enough"