How can I navigate to individual windows?

Solution 1:

To switch between windows of the same application, use + ~.

If you need a shortcut like the Windows' Alt+Tab that switches between all open windows, you can set one in your System Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts as shown below.

Keyboard Shortcuts

As you can see above, the default is Ctrl+F4, which actually means you need to press Ctrl+Fn+F4 because of the special meaning of the function keys. You could change it to any unused key combination, e.g. Alt+Tab itself.

Solution 2:

There are several options to navigate between windows build right into OSX. Basic input methods are...


You can configure various window management effects in System Preferences → Keyboard → Keyboard Shortcuts → Mission Control/Keyboard & Text Input

  • ++() Application Switcher
  • +~+() Window Switcher
  • ctrl+/ Desktop Switcher
  • some of the function keys trigger certain features
  • ...


You can configure various window management effects in System Prefernces → Trackpad/Mouse (requires multitouch input device)

Using these inputs you can trigger the following window management options...

  1. Classical Exposé

    (OSX 10.3-10.6) View all open windows of all open applications at once.

    enter image description here

  2. Dock/App Exposé

    (like 1, but only of one application) (OSX 10.6-today)

  3. Mission Control (OSX 10.7-today)

    View all open windows of all open applications and all desktops at once.

    enter image description here