Which iPad PDF viewers (annotators, readers, whatevers) give a faithful rendering?

It seems to me that maybe not enough Fonts have been embedded in this ("old") PDF. I downloaded it on my Mac, opened it in Preview and exported it under a different name (without changing anything else).

GoodReader on my iPhone now shows the alpha´s correctly. Inspecting it with Acrobat Professional now shows more imbedded Fonts than before (and of course a newer PDF standard being used).

The work around posted by Asmus works in Explain Everything as well.

Basically, Apple approved iOS apps use a built in PDF renderer in the iOS SDK. There are open source PDF renderer's that could be used within apps but they are incompatible with the Apple Store license.

The solution would be for Apple to address this in their PDF renderer and the fix would propagate to all apps that use it.

We can submit the bug to Apple via our developer account and hope that enough other devs raise the question for it to eventually get resolved.

Reshan Richards Co-Creator of Explain Everything