Remapping Caps Lock in 14.04 Trusty Tahr

I've seen a number of questions that point to a GUI menu to remap caps lock, but that menu seems to be gone in 14.04. Am I just not finding it, or is it really gone? I know you can use xkbmap to remap it, but I'm not really sure how to make that persist.


I've tried the suggestions on the accepted answer for this question, but nothing seems to be working. From what I can tell, the .xinitrc file doesn't ever seem to be sourced. Is there some other work around that might fix this for me?

You should edit the file /etc/default/keyboard and modify the XKBOPTIONS setting.

For example to map capslock to control set XKBOPTIONS=“ctrl:nocaps” (source: Archlinux wiki

log out and log in again for changes to impact your system.

Finally found a GUI answer, after much Googling: How do I swap Escape and Caps Lock in 14.04? (Looks like your question was phrased better and so showed up much higher in my search results.)

From the linked answer:

Install the GNOME Tweak Tool (gnome-tweak-tool), under the Typing tab there is an option to swap Esc with Caps Lock. This worked for me in Ubuntu 14.04.

Strangely, the tool window's background didn't fill in for me, so I had to open up a gedit window behind it just to view the text.

Hope that helps! Even with the buggy window, it was much more pleasant than messing with xkb settings directly.

In my case the following worked to disable capslock in Ubuntu 14.04:

setxkbmap -option caps:none

Startup Applications > Add > Name: Disable Capslock > Command: setxkbmap -option caps:none > Add.

Restart and capslock is disabled.

To remap capslock to escape key:

setxkbmap -option caps:escape