How to disable sticky edges in Ubuntu 14.04 (Ubuntu 13.10 and earlier had a Option for On/Off Mouse Stickiness)

In Ubuntu 12.04~13.10, the Settings >> Display >> Sticky Edges [On/Off] option was available. In Ubuntu 14.10, it is missing. How do I disable Mouse Edge Stickiness so that when I move my mouse from the left monitor to the right monitor, it doesn’t STICK to the edge, in Ubuntu 14.04?*

As suggested below, I tried using unity-tweak-tool, but could not locate the Mouse Edge Stickiness option. Any guidance is appreciated.

Once again, Thank you, as this will help my carpal tunnel syndrome! Thank you!

Go to Displays and disable Sticky edges.


Did you install Unity with the CompizConfig Settings Manager? You can download it with sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager. Then launch with ccsm. Click the desktop section on the left then Unity plugin, use the filter to find "Edge Stop Velocity" and set it to 0.

I fixed it in 14.04 with compizconfig-settings-manager as Kellen Donohue mentioned.

By setting "Edge Stop Velocity" to 1 (0 isn't accepted) and "Duration of Sticky Edge Relase after Break" to 0.

I needed to logout/login again.

DON'T confuse this with the "Snapping Windows" setting, which can be set via "CompizConfig Settings Manager", which is downloadable from the Ubuntu Software Centre. Also works on 15.10

For those that googled this answer looking for how to disable Window sticky edges. Type ccsm (to install sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager) and filter by edge. Go to Snapping Windows > Behavior > Snap Type and uncheck Edge resistance and Edge attraction.